With today marking the tenth anniversary of the Bitcoin whitepaper, the web is predictably thick with op-eds, retrospectives and thought pieces. While Oct. 31, 2008 is hailed as a pivotal moment in monetary history, at the time, few noticed the publication of the Bitcoin whitepaper to a cryptography mailing list. Like all revolutions, this one would take time to germinate. Also read: Coinbase Raises $300 Million, Reaching $8 Billion Valuation From Tiny Acorns Mighty Oaks Grow It’s hard to place a finger on the moment when Bitcoin transitioned from an idea into a movement. Was it when Satoshi Nakamoto mined the genesis block on Jan. 3, 2009? Or when he sent the first transaction to Hal Finney a few days later? Or did it occur imperceptibly over the course of that year, as the conversation moved from the mailing list , where it had begun, to Sourceforge, where the first Bitcoin forum was established? That’s one for the armchair pundits to ponder. What is beyond dispute is that...