PRESS RELEASE. Swisstronik , the layer-1 network for developing scalable dApps which safeguard and maintain privacy for users’ data while remaining regulatory compliant, is excited to announce the launch of its first testnet. Swisstronik Testnet 1.0 is now available, offering dApp developers powerful encryption and enterprise-grade transaction security through Intel SGX technology. Simultaneously, Swisstronik’s first Bug Bounty is launching, with rewards reaching up to $31,000 per bug found. Why join Swisstronik’s Bug Bounty? With 750+ applications already received for early access to Swisstronik’s Testnet 1.0, it seems clear that this is a great opportunity any Web3 developer should explore. But earning rewards of up to $31,000 per reported bug (paid mostly in USDT ) is not the only reason to join. By supporting Swisstronik, developers also help the crypto community stay true to the decentralization spirit while adapting to the new crypto regulations that transform the industry a