Approximately 14 years ago today, on Halloween, Satoshi Nakamoto introduced Bitcoin to the world by sharing the renowned white paper. Satoshi’s invention, shared on’s Cryptography Mailing List, not only solved a problem that had plagued computer scientists for years, but the invention also redefined how people look at money. Furthermore, as a side effect, Satoshi’s creation spawned a new digital economy with more than 13,000 cryptocurrency assets, worth just over $1 trillion today. Celebrating the 14th Anniversary of Satoshi’s Bitcoin White Paper Presently, cryptocurrency and Bitcoin supporters are celebrating the 14th anniversary of Satoshi Nakamoto ’s Bitcoin white paper . Bitcoin’s mysterious creator first introduced the white paper on’s Cryptography Mailing List on Oct. 31, 2008, at approximately 2:10 p.m. (ET). The date marks the first time Satoshi shared the inventor’s vision and the first sentence Bitcoin’s inventor said was: I’ve been working on ...